Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sexual Activity in Australian Prisons

I read something last week that surprised me. A telephone survey has revealed that women are having more sex in jail than men - only 6% of males compared to 36% of females.

“That really is quite a lot of sex” said lead researcher Juliet Richters, a public health specialist at the University of NSW.

"But we found most men strongly disapproved of sex in prison and considered those who did it to be gay," she said.

Just six per cent of more than 1000 NSW men interviewed said they had sexual contact in jail, with five per cent of it deemed consensual.

"There's not a lot of sex, they're so concerned about protecting their reputation as a heterosexual that they're really careful to avoid anything like that.

"We've shown that the whole belief that young and attractive people are likely to be raped in jail is a bit of a myth.

"It's pretty safe these days, especially with the modern prisons with things like showers in cells." Dr Richters said.

Half the men believed abortion was always wrong, and 23 per cent thought sex between women was unnatural.

I tend to believe this survey, it’s probably easier to be candid on the telephone rather than undergoing a face to face interview. Still a big surprise though.

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